Welcome to the CSULB Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Directory! The directory provides a campus-wide searchable database of faculty mentors who participate and work with students in various undergraduate research programs on campus.
How to use the Mentor Directory:- By default, mentors are listed alphabetically by their last names. Click on the column headers to sort the mentors by the different fields.
- Click on the faculty profile picture to see their individual profile with additional information.
- Filter the mentors by their department or the research program using the drop-down menus at the top of the directory or enter a keyword, such as a research topic, in the search box.

For Faculty Mentors:
- To update your profile, you can log on to the system using your SSO username (CSULB email) and password.
The Login button is located at the top right corner of the main Mentor Directory page and on your individual profile page.
- Click on your profile picture to access your profile page and click on the
- Your name, email, department, and college are pre-populated based on your CSULB credentials.
- You can make changes to your profile photo, research program affiliation, personal website link, and research interest (50 words limit).
- Your research program affiliation(s) will be verified by OURS and each research program.
- If you have completed the Beach Mentor program, the Beach Mentor status will appear under Additional Information. Otherwise, this field is left blank. For more information about the Beach Mentor program, please visit the Faculty Center website.
- Click on your profile picture to access your profile page and click on the
- It is helpful for our students to keep your research profile up-to-date. OURS will update the research program affiliation and the Beach Mentor status annually.
- If you would like to be added or removed from the directory or report issues, please contact AA-ours@csulb.edu or 562-985-7754.